by MuslimSurfer | Mar 28, 2022 | It's for the family and children
Since screens invaded our homes, children have been crazy about video games. Parents much less. But what does Islam say? Is it Halal? Or is it Haram? In fact, the answer is not so simple. We met Islamic scholars, but also a pediatrician. Here is our COMPLETE FILE....
by MuslimSurfer | Mar 26, 2022 | It's for the family and children
The pornography industry is very powerful. She is everywhere. Wanting to chase her out of society is a waste of time! On the other hand, we can protect our children and save them from this devastating thing. What does Islam say? What does the medical profession say?...
by MuslimSurfer | Mar 26, 2022 | It's for me (adult)
There were many nights when I lay there on my prayer rug crying uncontrollably. I was so lost. Even though I had no words to describe my deep anguish, I knew that Allah understood my pain. (Blog post written by our sister Jamilla) “Your Lord has not...
by MuslimSurfer | Mar 25, 2022 | It's for the family and children
The goal is not to turn our children into little Islamic scholars who know everything about everything, but rather to plant some small seeds with them. And to see the adoration of Allah blossom in their little childish hearts. Let’s get to know Islam. All...